BaseHit players experience two types of fatigue: day-to-day (short-term) fatigue and seasonal (long-term) fatigue.
Why does fatigue matter?
- Players will begin to experience performance penalties when they are tired and increase those penalties (max. 20% penalty) until they are exhausted.
- Exhausted players cannot start games, and exhausted pitchers will be removed from the game as soon as possible.
- All skills are subject to performance penalties when a player is tired, except for EN (endurance) and SY (specialty).
Fatigue status
Each player has a current and maximum endurance (EN) - when a player is fully rested, these values are the same. A player's fatigue status reflects how rested they are as function of current vs. maximum endurance. The levels are as follows:
- Rested (>95% EN)
- Good (75-95% EN)
- OK (50-75% EN)
- Tired (25-50% EN)
- Fatigued (0-25% EN)
- Exhausted = nothing in the tank.
Day-to-day fatigue
Day-to-day fatigue occurs when players play without a day off.
- Position players generally recover well after a day off, while pitchers may need more rest.
- Players experience fatigue when they play, shown as reduced current EN.
- Players rest when they don't play, shown as increased current EN.
- Players with higher max EN will fatigue more slowly than players with lower EN.
Seasonal fatigue
Seasonal fatigue is the overall wear-and-tear of the baseball season.
- A player's endurance determines how much they can push themselves before experiencing adverse effects.
- Position players with high EN can play almost every day without adverse effects, while players with low EN can't play as many games at full strength.
- Season fatigue temporarily lowers a player's effective maximum fatigue level, which reduces the rate of recovery for players on off-days.
- Resting a player can reduce or eliminate season fatigue and restore a player to maximum fatigue level.
- If a player doesn't regain as much EN as expected, they may be suffering from season fatigue.
- Note: Using designated hitters (DH) causes less potential season fatigue than playing a position. Toggle your use of designated hitters to rest players with low endurance.
How quickly do players fatigue?
- All position players fatigue when they play, with catchers fatiguing faster than players at other positions, and designated hitters fatiguing slower.
- Pitchers fatigue based on their pitch count, losing about one point of endurance for every two pitches. Example: a pitcher with 50 endurance can throw 100 pitches before becoming exhausted and being taken out of the game.
How quickly do players recover?
- Players will recover current endurance at a rate of about 1/4 of their maximum endurance per game of rest.
- This recovery rate gradually decreases as players accumulate season fatigue.
How do I rest my players?
- Manually adjust your roster to ensure how much a player plays.
- Platoon your players by changing your lineups against right-handed (RHP) and left-handed (LHP) pitchers. Rest players by using right-handed hitters against left-handed pitchers and left-handed hitters against right-handed pitchers.
- Set your manager settings to automatically substitute players when they fall below a certain fatigue threshold. Adjust the "rest player" sliders to rest players sooner when they are tired.
Players can rest in AAA, where they are guaranteed not to play.
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