June 2024 update

This update is scheduled for the morning of 06/05/24.

Updated Login Process

There's been a lot of behind-the-scenes work to make our authentication/login process simpler and safer. Every user will be required to reset their password once as part of this update.

Here are the instructions for resetting your password:

  • Log out completely.
  • Click log in or go here - https://www.basehit.com/login
  • Click "Forgot my password."
  • Enter your email - If your account isn't connected to an email that you have access to, contact us at support@basehit.com to update it (give us old and new email and username).
  • You will get an email with instructions on how to set a new password within a couple minutes. Follow those instructions and you should be all set.

If you get stuck at all during the process, contact us at support@basehit.com and we will gladly help you out.

FAQ on Password Reset

  • I tried to reset password and it is asking me for my old password?

You must have still been logged in when you hit the reset password link - please logout of the site and try the process again, and you should only be prompted for a New Password and Confirming New Password.

  • I am logged in everywhere except for the roster page, what's happening?

You need to reset your password once to be correctly logged in everywhere. Log out from your franchise page, and then go through the reset password process and you should be logged in everywhere once complete.


  • Changing the year to previous years on league page will show the owner of record for that season.
  • Fixed bug that allowed duplicate trade offers in certain circumstances