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Ratings Overview

All players have ratings in different categories to reflect their skill playing baseball. There are different Batting Ratings, Pitching Ratings, Fielding Ratings, and a few Other Ratings to flesh things out.

Each rating is presented so you can see how good a player is now (their actual ratings) and how good they could become (their potential ratings).

Actual Ratings

Actual Ratings reflect how good a player is right now, and are measured on a scale of 1-100, with 1 being the worst and 100 being the best. It goes without saying that a higher rating = more skill in that rated area, but it's also important to know that the scale is not linear. The difference in ability gained between 50 and 60 is less than the difference in ability gained between 60 and 70. Starting with ratings of 50 or higher, the higher the number the larger the difference.

Potential Ratings

Potential Ratings reflect how good a player could be at his peak. For young players and prospects, this is very important, because young players typically have not reached their peak. For veterans and players in the later years of their career, they are usually past the point where they can reach their potential; for them, the potential shows the best they could have been (not necessarily the best they ever were

Potential Ratings never change for a player and are presented as letters instead of numbers. Roughly, letters map as follows.

  • A: 85-100 (A-: 85-89, A: 90-94, A+ 95-100)
  • B: 70-84 (B-: 70-74, B: 75-79, B+ 80-84)
  • C: 55-69 (C-: 55-59, C: 60-64, C+ 65-69)
  • D: 40-54 (D-: 40-44, D: 45-49, D+ 50-54)
  • E: 1-39

Summary Ratings (Overall and Potential)

All players have summary ratings: Overall (a roll-up of all their actual ratings) and Potential (a roll-up of all their potential ratings). A player's Overall and Potential is based on a combination of all ratings, weighted based on their value (which is influenced by the player's position and the sim model used by the league).

Players also have "secondary" summary ratings for Hitting, Pitching, and Fielding. Position players show Hitting and Fielding, pitchers show Pitching and Fielding. The ratings included in each of these are:

  • Hitting includes Discipline (DI), Contact (CN), Batting (BA), Slugging (SL), and Speed (SP).
  • Pitching includes Power (PO), Finesse (FI), Control (CO), and Specialty (SY).
  • Fielding includes Range (RA), Glove (GL), Arm (AR), and, for pitchers only, Hold Runner (HR).