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Starting Your Journey

Sign up

  • To sign up, visit basehit.com and register with a valid email address.
  • Click the verification link sent to your email to complete registration.
  • Your email address remains private and won't be displayed on the game site, forums, or your profile.

  • Once you are signed up you are ready to get into your first league.league!
  • BypassingCreating a new team

    Managing a team from it's inception is always exciting. As a new user, you can create your first team and play in a Rookie League with other new users - this is a great way to learn the Rookieropes.

    • LeaguesClick on the Create a Team link visible at signup or access it through the Teams dropdown in the toolbar at the top of the screen.

    • Follow the prompts and instructions to find the next available rookie league where you can add your team.

    • When prompted, provide a name for your team and select its strengths. Your team will be automatically generated based on your choices and the league settings. Once the team is created, you can explore and review your new roster.

    • To learn more about the individual skills and abilities of your players, refer to "The Players" section in the Help Pages. It will provide you with detailed information to familiarize yourself with your team members' skills and attributes.

    Joining an existing league

    Alternatively, if you want to jump straight into the deep end, you can bypass the Rookie LeagueLeagues and take over an existing team in thea Majorfranchise Leagues.leagues. This is an exciting way to instantly immerse yourself in the full gameplay experience and compete against experienced owners.

    Remember, you don't have to limit yourself to one path. You can create a new Rookie League team AND take over an existing team in thea Majorfranchise Leagues.leagues. Both offer fun and unique experiences.

    No matter which route you choose, remember that the key to success is strategic planning, adaptability, and, most importantly, having fun! Enjoy the thrill of the game and make the most of your baseball management journey.

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