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Sim Models

Part of the joy of CSFBL is the ability to simulate different eras of baseball, matching the changes ofin baseball throughout history. There are three current simulation models in CSFBL with more planned - expect players and teams to perform differently in each. the future.

If you are looking to join a league in any of these eras, you can check the Choosing a League page forto find available teams, or if looking to create a league in the Free Agent or Dead Ball eras, check out the details for Creating a New League.


How Classic

Sim Models influence the gameThe simulationsim model thatchosen wasfor useda exclusivelyleague untilaffects 6/8/22. Thismore wasthan originallyjust the outcome of at-bats.

  • Player ratings don't change based on the 1977-1993model, eraonly ofthe MLB, a time of strong pitching and defense.

    • Note - Asimpact of the 6/8ratings update,on newgameplay. leaguesFor willexample, nohitting longerhome beruns createdis much less common in the ClassicDead model,Ball butEra existingthan modelsin canthe continueFree toAgent runEra; underthe thisresult model. Allis models including CSFBL Classic should expectthat a higherplayer numberwith a Slugging of ground60 ballwho outsmay ashit of7 6/8,home doruns toa changesyear in turf/grassa effects.Dead Ball Era league may hit 20 in Free Agent Era league. The rating doesn't change, just how it impact gameplay.

    • Agency

    The newimpact of ratings on overall ratings and improvedsalaries Classicwill model. vary depending on the era. For example, Slugging (hitting home runs) is less valuable in the Dead Ball Era, where even the best players hit fewer home runs, than it is in the Free Agent Era; as a result, the Slugging rating will have a smaller impact on a player's overall rating and salary in the Dead Ball Era.

Free Agent Era

This sim model is based around MLB between 1977-1993, a time when free agency took hold and changed the samedynamics eraof the game. It is a generally well-balanced era, where neither pitching nor hitting dominated the game.

Dead Ball Era

Modeled after the early days of MLB historyat 1977-1993,the but will play a bit differently as ratings have been balanced to better reflect sim targets. Notably someturn of the strongestcentury, ratings in1901-1919, the ClassicDead modelBall shouldera showis a bittime lesswhen ofpitchers an impact in the Free Agent model (ex. Range), and some of the weaker ratings will have more value (ex. Contact).

Dead Ball

A brand new era of CSFBL baseball, designed around the 1901-1919 MLB era. Pitchers dominatedominated the game, home runs arewere few and far between, and there iswas a widewider disparity between the highest and lowest value players in the league.

CSFBL Classic

This is the CSFBL game model that was in place for many years and was the only option until the June 2022 update. It is loosely based on baseball in the 1980s. There are numerous "quirks" to this model which many veteran players have figured out over the years, notably in the area of defensive Range. Existing leagues that were around prior to the June 2022 update can remain on this model, but new leagues can not be created using this model. The closest model to this is the Free Agent Era model.